July 30, 2003
This Week:
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Changes at head of Renault Group Finance Department
Louis Schweitzer, Chairman
and C.E.O. of Renault, has accepted Shemaya Lévy's request to undertake a
personal project starting in early 2004. He will leave his post at the end
of December 2003. Shémaya Lévy has been a member of the Group Executive
Committee (CEG) since 1995 and Executive Vice President, Chief Financial
Officer, since 1998.
Thierry Moulonguet, Executive
Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Nissan until June 2003,
rejoins Renault on September 1, 2003. He will initially be appointed to
the Renault Management Committee (CDR) as Advisor to the Chairman.
Effective January 1, 2004, he will be named Executive Vice President,
Chief Financial Officer, and will become a member of the Renault Group
Executive Committee.
The following senior
executives, all members of the Renault Management Committee (CDR), will
report to Thierry Moulonguet:
Jean-Pierre Corniou,
Senior Vice President, Chief Information Officer
Alain Dassas, Senior Vice
President, Finance
Philippe Gamba, Chairman
and C.E.O. of RCI Banque.
Jean-Jacques Vaudoyer,
Vice President, Corporate Audit, and François Garcia, Vice President,
Tax and Customs Affairs, will also report to him.
Jean-Baptiste Duzan,
Senior Vice President, Corporate Controller, who is also a member of
the Renault Management Committee (CDR), will report directly to Louis
Schweitzer, Renault Chairman and C.E.O., effective January 1, 2004.
(July 24,