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News of  May 30, 2001


Ford Focus & MTV2 Partner to Cover the Focus Detroit Electronic Music Festival

Ford Focus Futura

Photo: Ford

  • Ford Focus Launches Online MixMaster at Focus Detroit Electronic Music Festival

  • Ford Focus Drives DJ Fu Wax Attack at Focus Detroit Electronic Music Festival

DETROIT - Ford Focus will be the exclusive, integrated partner of MTV2 and MTVi's joint on-air and online coverage of the Focus Detroit Electronic Music Festival (FDEMF). MTV2's electronic and house music program, AMP, will tape a special two-hour Focus Detroit Electronic Music Festival edition this weekend from Club Focus. The special FDEMF version of AMP will air June 8 at 10:00 p.m. ET/PT.

"We could not ask for a better partner to cover the festival than MTV2 and MTVi," said Bob Fesmire, Focus marketing manager. "This partnership highlights the relevance and appeal of the Detroit Electronic Music Festival to our customers by developing timely, customized programming that speaks to MTV's on-air and on-line audience."

The special edition of AMP will expose the latest Focus models, Club Focus, footage of the event and interviews with Focus-sponsored artists at the event.

MTVi will provide comprehensive online coverage of FDEMF on and including artist biographies, performance times, and a link to to view the webcast.

Music a Key for Young Consumers

Focus has been a hit with young car buyers, with almost half of its buyers age 35 or younger. Focus marketing revolves around technology and music, designed to appeal to young consumers.

The Ford Focus and Techno music mirror each other in many ways. Ford Focus owners are influenced by technology, style, music and the idea of change, and Techno was born from the same roots. Focus is a global brand with international appeal that was developed in Europe. The "Detroit Sound" has traveled to Europe and re-emerged in the U.S.

(May 25, 2001)

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