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Volkswagen´s "Autostadt"

  • Grand Opening: June 1, 2000
  • Architect : Henn
  • Investment : DM 500 Mill. ($ 320 Mill.)
  • Expected Visitors : 1.5 Mill. p.a., 2,000-9,000 p. day
  • Daily Deliveries : 1,000 cars

Volkswagen´s Autostadt

In the beginning was the idea of a huge delivery center, where people could pick up their new cars. But it became more, it developed into a complex overall automobile world. Within the Wolfsburg plant almost a quarter of the area is now dedicated to the "Autostadt", which opened in June 2000. Its main elements are

  • The transportation system : A cabin railway is connecting the "Autocrats" with the town Wolfsburg and especially with the railway station, where now the highspeed ICE has a regular stop. In about one hour "Autostadt" can be reached from Berlin. Even a marina is foreseen, for those who reach "Autostadt" by water.
Entrance Area
  • The Piazza is the entrance point. People are welcomed and given a first orientation.
  • The Konzern-Forum : The Konzern-Forum is representing the company with all aspects as mobility, technology, safety and environment. The presentation is reflecting edge of technology in multimedia and animation
  • A Bridge will connect the plant with "Autostadt", because also in the future a plant tour could and should be essential part of buying a car, although a virtual tour in the Konzern-Forum will be offered as well.
  • The Car Museum is home of all the cars Volkswagen produced during its more than 60 years of history. A special place will keep the Beetle, with presentations of all the famous children of the family as all the buggies and Herbies, even the Number 53 out of Disney´s studios will be present here. The Car Museum will be more than a pure car exhibition, the vehicles shall be related to their socio-economical environment.
  • Ritz Carlton is going to build a hotel here, so that high standard stays are assured. About 140 rooms are projected. The place will be surrounded by a Japanese garden.
Ritz Carlton Hotel
  • The Marken Pavillons : Each brand within Volkswagen will be represented with an individual building (Pavillon).
  • The Customer Delivery Center : This is the key element of the "Autostadt". An expected 1,000-car- per-day-delivery will challenge the processes.

Customer Center

Car Delivery Towers

The cars will be presented in two transparent towers with a capacity of 400 cars each just opposite the customer center. The car buyer will see his car coming out of stock, so to say. Delivery frequence will have to be at about 1-2 cars per minute. 70 customer counters are planned. Because only 20% of new car buyers read the instructions, a guided tour through the city is designed. In special constructed parking lots the new driver will be informed about the features of his car.
  • The Shopping Center : Behind the Customer Delivery Center a shopping center with all kind of restaurants and shops will be built

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